Yearly Archives: 2009


The Xootic board is helped by several committees in order reach our goals. The current structure (2013) of the committees is:

Xootic Board:

  • Gertjan Schouten (chairman)
  • Tom Geelen (treasurer)
  • Hristina Moneva (secretary)
  • Eugen Schindler (partner- & sponsorships)

Xootic External Advisory Committee (EAC):

  • Koen Holtman
  • Alex Vrijsen
  • Paul Janson
  • Bart Golsteijn

Xootic Lecture Committee (XLC):

  • Harold Weffers
  • Razvan Dinu
  • Vlad Niculescu-Dinca
  • (Hristina Moneva)

Xootic Magazine Committee (XMC):

  • Menno Lindwer
  • Chris Delnooz
  • Yanja Dajsuren
  • Harold Weffers
  • Maggy de Wert

Xootic Webmasters:

  • Eugen Schindler
  • Gertjan Schouten
  • Hristina Moneva

OOTI Room Representatives:

  • Mari Mnatsakanyan
  • Surafel Mamo

Xootic Cash Audit:

  • Nico Kuijpers
  • Eric Elsackers

Xootic Survey Committee 2011-2013:

  • Harold Weffers
  • Hristina Moneva
  • Koen Holtman
  • Hilal Karatoy



Xootic organizes various activities to the members keeping in touch with each other as well as to keep them up-to-date with the latest innovations on Software Technology. Most common ones are:

  • Lectures: Several times a year, Xootic organizes lectures on innovations in the field of computer science. A speaker is invited to share his or her knowledge with OOTIs and ex-OOTIs in an informal way. These evenings are always concluded with a drink offered by Xootic.
  • X-day: The X-day is a one-day or weekend activity organized once a year. Past X-days were: a sailing weekend in Noord-Holland/Friesland, rafting and biking in the Ardennen, skiing in Landgraaf, and a GPS walk.
  • Symposia:
  • Other: Another activity is the New Year party (organized by MaCFAN), which allows Xootic-members and other alumni to come together and celebrate the new year.
    Finally, Xootic regularly organizes social events like bowling or board and card games.

All Xootic activities give OOTIs ample opportunity to contact each other, and to question the graduates about the work they do and the companies they work for. Such discussions can provide valuable practical information; in certain cases, these informal contacts have indeed resulted in employment.

About Xootic


When Xootic was established in 1991, its initial objective was to aid ex-OOTIs in keeping in touch with one another. As the number of its members increased, and as more and more ex-OOTIs appeared on the job market, Xootic extended its aims. Xootic currently pursues the following goals:

  • to organize meetings and reunions for its members;
  • to support the exchange of information between trainees and graduates of the OOTI/ST-program;
  • to communicate information concerning jobs and vacancies;
  • to inform the Dutch industry and potential trainees about the OOTI program;
  • to strengthen the relation with the TU/e Mathematics and Computer Science department by joining MaCFAN.

Intended Audience

The Xootic audience consists of both members and supporting members. Xootic is primarily an association for trainees and graduates of the OOTI program; therefore, OOTI trainees and OOTI graduates (ex-OOTIs) are the only candidates for membership of Xootic. Xootic does not differentiate between trainee and graduate members.

Aside from OOTI trainees and OOTI graduates, other people (often related to the OOTI program) may wish to join Xootic. They have the option of becoming a supporting member of Xootic. A supporting member has the same rights as a member, with the exception of not having the right to vote at the annual member meeting.


To become an Xootic member, or to update your personal data, fill in the registration form, or mail your personal data to

As a member you can take advantage of various Xootic activities such as contacts with other members, informative and social meetings, trips. You will receive the Xootic newsletter regularly.

Magazine 0-1 (October 1992)

  • Voorwoord – prof. dr. Martin Rem  (PDF)
  • De vereniging xootic – ir. Henk Eemers  (PDF)
  • De ontwerpersopleiding Technische Informatica – Marloes van Lierop  (PDF)
  • Hoe u xootic financieel kunt ondersteunen – redactioneel 
  • Werken bij PTT Research – ir. Luc Gorissen  (PDF)
  • Van toets tot drukwerk – prof.dr. Don Bouwhuis  (PDF)
  • Evaluatie van simulatiesoftware voor de N.V. Luchthaven Schiphol – ir. Alex Jansen (PDF)

Magazine 1-1 (April 1993)

  • Editorial / Eerste lustrum van OOTI (PDF
  • OOTI goes international – ir. Erik Jan Marinissen  (PDF
  • Werken op de Universiteit van Swaziland – ir. Eelco Vriezekolk  (PDF
  • Een tool voor syntactische patroonherkenning voor de Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble – ir. Marcel J.A. Peek  (PDF
  • Certificerings Commissie evalueert OOTI – ir. Erik Jan Marinissen  (PDF
  • Formele specifikatie met PSF – dr. Sjouke Mauw (PDF

  • Magazine 1-2 (September 1993): Five Years OOTI

  • Ex-OOTIs survey 1993 – ir. Henk Eemers and ir. Michiel Kamps  (PDF)
  • Putting OOTI knowledge into practice – ir. Michiel Kamps  (PDF)
  • From Structured to Object-Oriented Programming – ir. J.J. van Amstel  (PDF)
  • Parallel program debugging, a case study at CERN – ir. René Schiefer  (PDF)
  • OOTI formally certified – ir. Erik Jan Marinissen  (PDF)

  • Magazine 2-2 (September 1994): OOTI & Parallellism

  • Parallel computing within the OOTI programme – Ronald Reinds  (PDF)
  • OOTI students went Parallel: PARLE’94 – irs. Jean Moonen, Rob Gelderblom, Bram Stappers, and Olaf Pigmans  (PDF)
  • Margret du canard, foie gras, cassoulet et beaucoup d’autres choses – ir. Jacko Koster  (PDF)
  • Register of Technological Design – ir. Erik Jan Marinissen  (PDF)
  • XOOTIC Survey 1994 – drs. Martin Diepstraten  (PDF)