Yearly Archives: 2017

XOOTIC Lecture 23 November 2017 – Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 – How big of a deal is it? This XOOTIC lecture took place in Zwarte Doos, where we had a great buffet dinner and caught up with our fellow XOOTICs. After the lecture, we also had some drinks and discussion about the lecture. In these activities, we mingled and enjoyed, also between generations.

So, Industry 4.0: what does it mean, and how will it affect factories in the future? In this lecture we got the opinion of Jeroen de Bruijn of FESTA. He explained that Industry 4.0 is a must given the developing market needs: I want it now, I want it customized to my needs, and I want you to take care of the service. Of course, not every product, e.g. a pack of milk, fits directly in that category. The main trend is expected to be: more local and flexible factories, where data is the new oil.

FESTA, together with Unity040 and CORDIS , attempts to provide a tool-chain to do complete software-based development before hardware manufacturing. As XOOTIC we voiced some concerns here: we cannot measure everything in physics e.g. an ASML machine,  even formally proven pieces of code can fail in a new context, and most importantly: where are the practical examples? How do you think this  will continue: what part can we do digital-only, and what part will we always need a physical prototype for?

I am happy so many of you (almost 40!) turned up for this lecture, and that you enjoyed both the social aspect and the lecture content.  Next time, let’s do it even better with the help of your survey input! Hope to see you all then.

Xootic GMM 23 March 2017

Dear Xootic members,


We would like to invite you for the next Xootic General Members Meeting on March 23.

Location: Zwarte Doos (



18.00 – Gathering

18.30 – Dinner

20.00 – General Members Meeting

22.00 – Drinks

Please subscribe before 13 March by replying to the email from Xootic, indicating whether you join both dinner and meeting, and whether you have any diet restrictions. Dinner and drinks are for free.

– The Xootic Board

Luc de Smet (chairman)
Tom Geelen (treasurer)
Claudia Peter (secretary)
Ronald van Zon (partner- & sponsorship)
Eric Eslackers (support)
Arcilio Virginia (support)

Xootic Lustrum Evening of 1 December 2016


Xootic has celebrated its 5th lustrum (25th anniversary) in December 2016 during an evening at ASML, our diamond sponsor, which annually invites Xootic members and OOTI alumni for an event. Xootic Alumni Association has decided to combine both events.

The event included presentations by Fred Huizinga and Jafad Fatemi on the subject of Computer Aided Engineering.

Abstract presentation Fred Huizinga:

Virtual Product Development @ ASML

Computer Aided Engineering, CAE in short, is a broad term used to indicate the use of computer software in product design, analysis, validation, simulation; as well as the resolution of engineering, manufacturing and process problems. Computer Aided Engineering is used in a wide range of industries including the semiconductor industry for system; chip design and manufacturing.

At ASML CAE has become an indispensable method for the efficient and effective development process of TWINSCAN tools. In this presentation, Fred Huizinga, will explain how CAE is currently used and integrated into the development process; and he will provide a glimpse on what the future plans are for CAE in the ASML tool design and development process.

At the end of the evening we celebrated the anniversary of Xootic Alumni Association with a fun and entertaining Quiz.

The program was as follows:

17:00 Reception Guests
17:15 Experience Centre tour in groups.
17:45 Dinner in the Plaza
19:00 Start Lectures on Computer Aided Engineering by Java Fatemi and Fred Huizinga
20:15 Special Thanks Xootic contributors
20:30 25 Years Xootic : Quiz and Informal drinks
21:30 Closing
21:45 End

On behalf of Xootic Lecture Committee, Lustrum Committee and ASML,

Arcilio Virginia
Luc de Smet
Gertjan Schouten
Menno Lindwer
Harold Weffers