Dear alumni,
MaCFAN, the federation of alumni associations of the Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science at the TU/e, herewith invites you to the Alumni New Year Reception 2011.
Date: January 15, 2011
Location: De Zwarte Doos, TU/e
Program: 14.00 Reception
14.30 Lecture “Facing the challenge of probabilities” by Maarten van der Weijden
(Olympic champion 10 km open water swimming / mathematician)
15.30 Drinks
17.30 Closure
Registration via Alumninet.
We hope to meet many of you there!
On behalf of the department and of the alumni associations AIMe, WIRE, XOOTIC, VIE,
Marloes van Lierop, alumni officer computer science division
Cor Hurkens, alumni officer mathematics division